Tüm Zamanların En Enteresan Klasiği Bulunmuş Olabilir mi?
Her klasiğin özgün bir hikayesi vardır. Bu Bugatti Brescia 22 Roadster zamanında çok bakımlı, 10 yaşında şıkır şıkır bir otomobildi. 1930 ların ortasında makus kaderine doğru yola koyuldu. İsviçre' ye vergileri ödenmeden ithal edildi. Faizleri ile biriken vergi borçları belli bir miktara ulaşınca
The most spectacular automotive find of all time?
This Bugatti Brescia 22 Roadster was merely a well-used, 10-year-old car when it met its sodden fate sometime in the mid-30s. Legend has it that the car was imported to Switzerland without the payment of import tax and it was subsequently abandoned. With the tax debt unpaid, the pursuing customs officer was obliged to destroy the vehicle. His somewhat unorthodox method was to tip it into a nearby lake.
This Bugatti Brescia 22 Roadster was merely a well-used, 10-year-old car when it met its sodden fate sometime in the mid-30s. Legend has it that the car was imported to Switzerland without the payment of import tax and it was subsequently abandoned. With the tax debt unpaid, the pursuing customs officer was obliged to destroy the vehicle. His somewhat unorthodox method was to tip it into a nearby lake.
The most spectacular automotive find of all time?
This Bugatti Brescia 22 Roadster was merely a well-used, 10-year-old car when it met its sodden fate sometime in the mid-30s. Legend has it that the car was imported to Switzerland without the payment of import tax and it was subsequently abandoned. With the tax debt unpaid, the pursuing customs officer was obliged to destroy the vehicle. His somewhat unorthodox method was to tip it into a nearby lake.
This Bugatti Brescia 22 Roadster was merely a well-used, 10-year-old car when it met its sodden fate sometime in the mid-30s. Legend has it that the car was imported to Switzerland without the payment of import tax and it was subsequently abandoned. With the tax debt unpaid, the pursuing customs officer was obliged to destroy the vehicle. His somewhat unorthodox method was to tip it into a nearby lake.
Discovered in 1967, it remained in the lake until raised to the surface in 2009. Soon afterwards, it sold at Bonhams’ 2010 Retromobile auction for an estimate-shattering EUR 260,500.